Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

GE3451 ESS 4th Semester | 2021 Regulation

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2021 regulation - 2nd year, 4th semester paper for EEE Department (Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department). Subject Code: GE3451, Subject Name: Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, Batch: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. Institute: Anna University Affiliated Engineering College, TamilNadu. This page has Environmental Sciences and Sustainability study material, notes, semester question paper pdf download, important questions, lecture notes.

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Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

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Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

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• To introduce the basic concepts of environment, ecosystems and biodiversity and emphasize on the biodiversity of India and its conservation.

• To impart knowledge on the causes, effects and control or prevention measures of environmental pollution and natural disasters.

• To facilitate the understanding of global and Indian scenario of renewable and nonrenewable resources, causes of their degradation and measures to preserve them.

• To familiarize the concept of sustainable development goals and appreciate the interdependence of economic and social aspects of sustainability, recognize and analyze climate changes, concept of carbon credit and the challenges of environmental management.

• To inculcate and embrace sustainability practices and develop a broader understanding on green materials, energy cycles and analyze the role of sustainable urbanization.




Definition, scope and importance of environment - need for public awareness. Eco-system and Energy flow-ecological succession. Types of biodiversity: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity- values of biodiversity, India as a mega-diversity nation hot-spots of biodiversity threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts - endangered and endemic species of India - conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and ex-situ.




Causes, Effects and Preventive measures of Water, Soil, Air and Noise Pollutions. Solid, Hazardous and E-Waste management. Case studies on Occupational Health and Safety Management system (OHASMS). Environmental protection, Environmental protection acts.




Energy management and conservation, New Energy Sources: Need of new sources. Different types new energy sources. Applications of Hydrogen energy, Ocean energy resources, Tidal energy conversion. Concept, origin and power plants of geothermal energy.




Development, GDP, Sustainability- concept, needs and challenges-economic, social and aspects of sustainability-from unsustainability to sustainability-millennium development goals, and protocols - Sustainable Development Goals-targets, indicators and intervention areas Climate change- Global, Regional and local environmental issues and possible solutions-case studies. Concept of Carbon Credit, Carbon Footprint. Environmental management in industry-A case study.




Zero waste and R concept, Circular economy, ISO 14000 Series, Material Life cycle assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment. Sustainable habitat: Green buildings, Green materials, Energy efficiency, Sustainable transports. Sustainable energy: Non-conventional Sources, Energy Cycles- carbon cycle, emission and sequestration, Green Engineering: Sustainable urbanization- Socio- economical and technological change.




• To recognize and understand the functions of environment, ecosystems and biodiversity and their conservation.

• To identify the causes, effects of environmental pollution and natural disasters and contribute to the preventive measures in the society.

• To identify and apply the understanding of renewable and non-renewable resources and contribute to the sustainable measures to preserve them for future generations.

• To recognize the different goals of sustainable development and apply them for suitable technological advancement and societal development.

• To demonstrate the knowledge of sustainability practices and identify green materials, energy cycles and the role of sustainable urbanization.



1. Anubha Kaushik and C. P. Kaushik's "Perspectives in Environmental Studies", 6th Edition, New Age International Publishers,2018.

2. Benny Joseph, 'Environmental Science and Engineering', Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2016.

3. Gilbert M.Masters, 'Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science', 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2004.

4. Allen, D. T. and Shonnard, D. R., Sustainability Engineering: Concepts, Design and Case Studies, Prentice Hall.

5. Bradley. A.S; Adebayo, A.O., Maria, P. Engineering applications in sustainable design and development, Cengage learning.

6. Environment Impact Assessment Guidelines, Notification of Government of India, 2006.

7. Mackenthun, K.M., Basic Concepts in Environmental Management, Lewis Publication, London, 1998.



1. R.K. Trivedi, 'Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules, Guidelines, Compliances and Standards', Vol. I and II, Enviro Media. 38.

2. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, 'Environmental Encyclopedia', Jaico Publ., House, Mumbai, 2001.

3. Dharmendra S. Sengar, 'Environmental law', Prentice hall of India PVT. LTD, New Delhi, 2007.

4. Rajagopalan, R, 'Environmental Studies-From Crisis to Cure', Oxford University Press, 2005.

5. Erach Bharucha "Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses" Orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd. 2013.

Environmental Sciences and Sustainability: Unit I: Environment and Biodiversity,, Environmental Sciences and Sustainability: Unit II: Environmental Pollution,, Environmental Sciences and Sustainability: Unit III: Renewable Sources of Energy,, Environmental Sciences and Sustainability: Unit IV: Sustainability and Management,, Environmental Sciences and Sustainability: Unit V: Sustainability Practices 4th Semester EEE Dept 2021 Regulation : GE3451 ESS 4th Semester | 2021 Regulation Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

Home | All Courses | EEE Department | Subject: Environmental Sciences and Sustainability