Compiler Design

CS3501 5th Semester CSE Dept | 2021 Regulation

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2021 regulation - 3rd year, 5th semester paper for CSE Department (Computer Science Engineering Department). Subject Code: CS3501, Subject Name: Compiler Design, Batch: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. Institute: Anna University Affiliated Engineering College, TamilNadu. This page has Compiler Design study material, notes, semester question paper pdf download, important questions, lecture notes.

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Compiler Design

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit I: Introduction to Compilers & Lexical Analysis will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit II: syntax Analysis will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit III: Syntax Directed Translation & Intermediate Code Generation will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit IV: Run-Time Environment and Code Generation will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit V: Code Optimization will Uploaded shortly...

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Compiler Design

Unit I: Introduction to Compilers & Lexical Analysis

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit I: Introduction to Compilers & Lexical Analysis will Uploaded shortly...

Unit II: syntax Analysis

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit II: syntax Analysis will Uploaded shortly...

Unit III: Syntax Directed Translation & Intermediate Code Generation

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit III: Syntax Directed Translation & Intermediate Code Generation will Uploaded shortly...

Unit IV: Run-Time Environment and Code Generation

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit IV: Run-Time Environment and Code Generation will Uploaded shortly...

Unit V: Code Optimization

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit V: Code Optimization will Uploaded shortly...

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•        To learn the various phases of compiler.

•        To learn the various parsing techniques.

•        To understand intermediate code generation and run-time environment.

•        To learn to implement the front-end of the compiler.

•        To learn to implement code generator.

•        To learn to implement code optimization.



Introduction- Translators- Compilation and Interpretation- Language processors -The Phases of Compiler – Lexical Analysis – Role of Lexical Analyzer – Input Buffering – Specification of Tokens –     Recognition of Tokens – Finite Automata – Regular Expressions to Automata NFA, DFA – Minimizing DFA - Language for Specifying Lexical Analyzers – Lex tool.



Role of Parser – Grammars – Context-free grammars – Writing a grammar Top Down Parsing - General Strategies - Recursive Descent Parser Predictive Parser-LL(1) - Parser-Shift Reduce Parser-LR Parser- LR (0)Item Construction of SLR Parsing Table - Introduction to LALR Parser - Error Handling and Recovery in Syntax Analyzer-YACC tool - Design of a syntax Analyzer for a Sample Language



Syntax directed Definitions-Construction of Syntax Tree-Bottom-up Evaluation of S-Attribute Definitions- Design of predictive translator - Type Systems-Specification of a simple type Checker- Equivalence of Type Expressions-Type Conversions. Intermediate Languages: Syntax Tree, Three Address Code, Types and Declarations, Translation of Expressions, Type Checking, Back patching.



Runtime Environments – source language issues – Storage organization – Storage Allocation Strategies: Static, Stack and Heap allocation - Parameter Passing-Symbol Tables - Dynamic Storage Allocation - Issues in the Design of a code generator – Basic Blocks and Flow graphs - Design of a simple Code Generator - Optimal Code Generation for Expressions– Dynamic Programming Code Generation.



Principal Sources of Optimization – Peep-hole optimization - DAG- Optimization of Basic Blocks - Global Data Flow Analysis - Efficient Data Flow Algorithm – Recent trends in Compiler Design.




1.       Using the LEX tool, Develop a lexical analyzer to recognize a few patterns in C. (Ex. identifiers, constants, comments, operators etc.). Create a symbol table, while recognizing identifiers.

2.       Implement a Lexical Analyzer using LEX Tool

3.       Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories.

a.       Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression that uses operator +, -, * and /.

b.       Program to recognize a valid variable which starts with a letter followed by any number of letters or digits.

c.       Program to recognize a valid control structures syntax of C language (For loop, while loop, if-else, if-else-if, switch-case, etc.).

d.       Implementation of calculator using LEX and YACC

4.       Generate three address code for a simple program using LEX and YACC.

5.       Implement type checking using Lex and Yacc.

6.       Implement simple code optimization techniques (Constant folding, Strength reduction and Algebraic transformation)

7.       Implement back-end of the compiler for which the three address code is given as input and the 8086 assembly language code is produced as output.


On Completion of the course, the students should be able to:

CO1:Understand the techniques in different phases of a compiler.

CO2:Design a lexical analyser for a sample language and learn to use the LEX tool.

CO3:Apply different parsing algorithms to develop a parser and learn to use YACC tool

CO4:Understand semantics rules (SDT), intermediate code generation and run-time environment.

CO5:Implement code generation and apply code optimization techniques.




1. Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.




1.       Randy Allen, Ken Kennedy, Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures: A Dependence based Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002.

2.       Steven S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation‖, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers - Elsevier Science, India, Indian Reprint 2003.

3.       Keith D Cooper and Linda Torczon, Engineering a Compiler‖, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Elsevier Science, 2004.

4.       V. Raghavan, Principles of Compiler Design‖, Tata McGraw Hill Education Publishers, 2010.

5.       Allen I. Holub, Compiler Design in C‖, Prentice-Hall Software Series, 1993.

Compiler Design: Unit I: Introduction to Compilers & Lexical Analysis,, Compiler Design: Unit II: syntax Analysis,, Compiler Design: Unit III: Syntax Directed Translation & Intermediate Code Generation,, Compiler Design: Unit IV: Run-Time Environment and Code Generation,, Compiler Design: Unit V: Code Optimization 5th Semester CSE Dept 2021 Regulation : CS3501 5th Semester CSE Dept | 2021 Regulation Compiler Design

Home | All Courses | CSE Department | Subject: Compiler Design