Electromagnetic Fields

EC3452 - 4th Semester - ECE Dept - 2021 Regulation

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2021 regulation - 2nd year, 4th semester paper for ECE Department (Electronics and Communication Engineering Department). Subject Code: EC3452, Subject Name: Electromagnetic Fields, Batch: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. Institute: Anna University Affiliated Engineering College, TamilNadu. This page has Electromagnetic Fields study material, notes, semester question paper pdf download, important questions, lecture notes.

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Electromagnetic Fields

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit I: Introduction will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit II: Electrostatics will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit III: Magnetostatics will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit IV: Time-Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit V: Plane Electromagnetic Waves will Uploaded shortly...

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Electromagnetic Fields

Unit I: Introduction

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit I: Introduction will Uploaded shortly...

Unit II: Electrostatics

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit II: Electrostatics will Uploaded shortly...

Unit III: Magnetostatics

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit III: Magnetostatics will Uploaded shortly...

Unit IV: Time-Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit IV: Time-Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations will Uploaded shortly...

Unit V: Plane Electromagnetic Waves

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit V: Plane Electromagnetic Waves will Uploaded shortly...

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i. To impart knowledge on the basics of static electric field and the associated laws

ii. To impart knowledge on the basics of static magnetic field and the associated laws

iii. To give insight into coupling between electric and magnetic fields through Faraday's law, displacement current and Maxwell's equations

iv. To gain the behaviour of the propagation of EM waves

v. To study the significance of Time varying fields.



Electromagnetic model, Units and constants, Review of vector algebra, Rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, Line, surface and volume integrals, Gradient of a scalar field, Divergence of a vector field, Divergence theorem, Curl of a vector field, Stoke's theorem, Null identities, Helmholtz's theorem, Verify theorems for different path, surface and volume.



Electric field, Coulomb's law, Gauss's law and applications, Electric potential, Conductors in static electric field, Dielectrics in static electric field, Electric flux density and dielectric constant, Boundary conditions, Electrostatics boundary value problems, Capacitance, Parallel, cylindrical and spherical capacitors, Electrostatic energy, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, Uniqueness of electrostatic solutions, Current density and Ohm's law, Electromotive force and Kirchhoff's voltage law, Equation of continuity and Kirchhoff's current law



Lorentz force equation, Ampere's law, Vector magnetic potential, Biot-Savart law and applications, Magnetic field intensity and idea of relative permeability, Calculation of magnetic field intensity for various current distributions Magnetic circuits, Behaviour of magnetic materials, Boundary conditions, Inductance and inductors, Magnetic energy, Magnetic forces and torques



Faraday's law, Displacement current and Maxwell-Ampere law, Maxwell's equations, Potential functions, Electromagnetic boundary conditions, Wave equations and solutions, Time-harmonic fields, Observing the Phenomenon of wave propagation with the aid of Maxwell's equations



Plane waves in lossless media, Plane waves in lossy media (low-loss dielectrics and good conductors), Group velocity, Electromagnetic power flow and Poynting vector, Normal incidence at a plane conducting boundary, Normal incidence at a plane dielectric boundary


At the end of the course the students will be able to

CO1: Relate the fundamentals of vector, coordinate system to electromagnetic concepts

CO2: Analyze the characteristics of Electrostatic field

CO3: Interpret the concepts of Electric field in material space and solve the boundary conditions 

CO4: Explain the concepts and characteristics of Magneto Static field in material space and solve boundary conditions.

CO5: Determine the significance of time varying fields



i. D.K. Cheng, Field and wave electromagnetics, 2nd ed., Pearson (India), 2002

ii. M.N.O.Sadiku and S.V. Kulkarni, Principles of electromagnetics, 6th ed., Oxford(Asian Edition), 2015


i. Edward C. Jordan & Keith G. Balmain,Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall Electrical Engineering Series, 2012.

ii. W.H. Hayt and J.A. Buck, Engineering electromagnetics, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill (India), 2006

iii. B.M. Notaros, Electromagnetics, Pearson: New Jersey, 2011

Electromagnetic Fields: Unit I: Introduction,, Electromagnetic Fields: Unit II: Electrostatics,, Electromagnetic Fields: Unit III: Magnetostatics,, Electromagnetic Fields: Unit IV: Time-Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations,, Electromagnetic Fields: Unit V: Plane Electromagnetic Waves 4th Semester ECE Dept 2021 Regulation : EC3452 - 4th Semester - ECE Dept - 2021 Regulation Electromagnetic Fields

Home | All Courses | ECE Department | Subject: Electromagnetic Fields