Engineering Geology

AG3601 6th Semester Civil Dept 2021 Regulation

Home | All Courses | CIVIL Department | Subject: Engineering Geology

2021 regulation - 3rd year, 6th semester paper for Civil Department. Subject Code: AG3601, Subject Name: Engineering Geology, Batch: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. Institute: Anna University Affiliated Engineering College, TamilNadu. This page has Engineering Geology, notes, semester question paper pdf download, important questions, lecture notes.

Engineering Geology

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit I: Physical Geology And Geomorphology will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit II: Mineralogy And Petrology will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit III: Structural Geology And Rock Mechanics will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit IV: Geoprospecting will Uploaded shortly...

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit V: Geological Considerations And Geohazards will Uploaded shortly...

Engineering Geology

Unit I: Physical Geology And Geomorphology

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit I: Physical Geology And Geomorphology will Uploaded shortly...

Unit II: Mineralogy And Petrology

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit II: Mineralogy And Petrology will Uploaded shortly...

Unit III: Structural Geology And Rock Mechanics

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit III: Structural Geology And Rock Mechanics will Uploaded shortly...

Unit IV: Geoprospecting

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit IV: Geoprospecting will Uploaded shortly...

Unit V: Geological Considerations And Geohazards

    Notes and Question Answer of Unit V: Geological Considerations And Geohazards will Uploaded shortly...





• This course will familiarize the students on the role and importance of geology in civil engineering, apart from learning the techniques of surface and subsurface investigations using geological, geophysical and geomechanical methods.




Significance of Geology in Civil Engineering; Internal structure of the Earth; Weathering: types, engineering classification of weathered rocks and relevance to Civil Engineering; Fluvial, Marine, Glacial and Aeolian landforms and their importance in Civil Engineering; Plate tectonics and its relevance to earthquakes; Groundwater: types of aquifers, origin, movement and role of groundwater in Civil Engineering constructions.




Physical and Chemical properties of common rock forming minerals: Quartz family, Feldspar family, Mica (Muscovite, Biotite & Vermiculite), Pyroxene (Augite & Hypersthene), Amphibole (Hornblende), Calcite, Gypsum and Clay minerals and their significance. Formation of Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks; Description of important rocks: Granite, Syenite, Dolerite, Basalt, Quartzite, Slate, Schist, Gneiss, Marble, Sandstone, Limestone, Shale and Conglomerate. Engineering properties of rocks: field and laboratory tests




Attitudes of beds: Strike and Dip measurements and their relevance to civil engineering; Different types of folds, faults, joints and fractures in rocks and their significance in civil engineering constructions; Geomechanical properties of rocks: Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological Strength Index (GSI) and their importance in various civil engineering projects.




Geological mapping techniques; Remote Sensing: Fundamentals and its role in geological mapping; Geophysical methods for subsurface investigations: Electrical, Seismic & Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); Subsurface logging and their importance in civil engineering projects.




Geological conditions necessary for designing and construction of important structures: Dams, Reservoirs, Tunnels, Road cuttings and Coastal protection; Landslides: Causes and mitigation; Earthquakes & Tsunamis: Causes and mitigation; Case studies for the above topics.




On completion of this course, the students expected to be able to:

CO1 Knowing the internal structure of earth and its relation to earthquakes. Landforms created by various geological agents and their importance in civil engineering.

CO2 Getting knowledge on various minerals and rocks that can be used as construction materials and road aggregates. In addition, testing the suitability of rocks for foundation purposes.

CO3 Studying various geological structures and their impact in engineering constructions. Further, learning the geomechanical properties of rocks and their significance in engineering projects.

CO4 Gaining knowledge on the role of geological mapping, remote sensing and geophysics for surface and subsurface investigations. addition, students will also gain knowledge on borehole logging techniques and their applications in civil engineering.

CO5 Applying geological knowledge for designing and constructing major civil engineering structures, and also mitigating various geological hazards such as earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis.



1. Parbin Singh, "A Textbook of Engineering and General Geology", S. K. Kataria and Sons, 2021.

2. Chenna Kesavulu, N. "Textbook of Engineering Geology", Macmillan India Ltd., 2018.

3. Venkat Reddy, D. "Engineering Geology", Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Lt, 2021.

4. Gokhale, K.V.G.K, "Principles of Engineering Geology", B.S. Publications, Hyderabad 2019.

5. Varghese, P.C., "Engineering Geology for Civil Engineering", Prentice Hall of India Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2012.



1. Legget, "Geology and Engineering", McGraw Hill Book company, 1998 Blyth, "Geology for Engineers", ELBS 1995.

2. Krynine and Judd, "Principals of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics" Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.

3. Bell, F.G. "Fundamentals of Engineering Geology", B.S. Publications. Hyderabad 2011.

Engineering Geology: Unit I: Physical Geology And Geomorphology,,Engineering Geology: Unit II: Mineralogy And Petrology,,Engineering Geology: Unit III: Structural Geology And Rock Mechanics,,Engineering Geology: Unit IV: Geoprospecting,,Engineering Geology: Unit V: Geological Considerations And Geohazards 6th Semester Civil Dept 2021 Regulation : AG3601 6th Semester Civil Dept 2021 Regulation Engineering Geology

Home | All Courses | CIVIL Department | Subject: Engineering Geology